
Holy Roman Empire, Archbishopric Salzburg, Guidobald of Thun and Hohenstein, Ducat 1655


Holy Roman Empire, Archbishopric Salzburg, Guidobald of Thun and Hohenstein, Ducat 1655 (obverse) Holy Roman Empire, Archbishopric Salzburg, Guidobald of Thun and Hohenstein, Ducat 1655 (reverse)

Towards the end of the 13th century, the trading town of Venice started to issue a new gold coin, the ducat. The new trade coin soon made its way to Salzburg, together with the flow of goods streaming via Salzburg from Venice to Germany. This ducat was an issue of Archbishop Giudobald, Count of Thun and Hohenstein (1654-1668). Archbishop Giudobald was known to be a lover of splendor; many of the oriental and Italian luxury goods traded by Venice might thus have landed in his residence. In addition, the archbishop refurbished his city with many a construction that was purely decorative: A new fountain in front of the "Residenz" Palace, the magnificent Archbishop's seat, new archways for the cathedral, a winter riding school, or a sculpture of Pegasus.


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